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Full Version: Problems with lower traffic
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Yesterday my site traffic has dropped to single day 30.000-5000
- Has happened to someone so
-which may be why
I need advice
indexing pages seem unchanged
Search engines are cutting you... Same happened to me. need time and work to do it again.

(08-08-2011 12:14 PM)ancuta9 Wrote: [ -> ]Yesterday my site traffic has dropped to single day 30.000-5000
- Has happened to someone so
-which may be why
I need advice
indexing pages seem unchanged
do you know if there is a specific reason the search engines are doing this?
(12-08-2011 09:25 PM)Punktured Wrote: [ -> ]@Role-Model
do you know if there is a specific reason the search engines are doing this?
i know this maybe late but Google change thier algeroitm in Feb 2011 not in aug 2011 you mean to say it took 6 months for google's changes to finally take place i find that hard to beleave.

no, but maybe lets put it like this...

google checks your site... ok...
google checks your site... suspect duplicate content...
google checks your site... you added some content...
google checks your site... suspect duplicate content...
google check your site... you added no content... then google decides what to do about your site and its duplicate content...

note: all speculation... however, i know its NOT the script...
it is a fact that everyones site here is a farm of "already used content"...
which is what the google "farmer update" targets...

google does not like alot of things...

have you added new content recently?
google does not like unchanging content...
have you got hidden links or text on your pages?
google does not like them...
have you been changing themes or tags etc etc...
google does not necessarily like that...

there is a multitude of reasons for a google traffic loss...
and it is not all due to said "farm update"...

Possible reasons for drastic drop in traffic from Google search...

fact is... your site IS a "reused content farm"... a "content mill"... a "scraper site"...

5 Ways to Beat Google's Farmer Update Algorithm that Targets Content Farms...

what this means is...
as content farms, we have to work harder than anyone else...
if you think you can just add some videos and leave it for weeks on end, you are wrong...
we need to be constantly adding content, and trying to disguise the content as new content... new video names etc etc...

monitor which sites send you traffic, and if it is google which is sending you less traffic...
work harder...
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