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Full Version: Law suit over Google ?
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Since i am relatly New and my traffic has dropped to nothing i feel google had no right what so ever to change what ever they did ,Question so what if my site is simular to other tube sites so what if i have some content that is the same google is Not god and they should pay for this I am not alone especially the amount of money that we are talking about so how we must communicate this to google maybe a law suit or or other action is needed.
Any Ideas?

thanks for reading my post

google is a business,
they can run their business how they see fit,
they are offering you a service,
if you dont like their service,
dont use it,

while i do understand and agree that it sucks,
you have no grounds for legal action.
do you know of any cheap traffic one might considering buying any good traffic companyies Google has left me with no traffic 1% out of my 3,000 plus traffic

sorry i do not...
i am always too busy coding to worry about traffic...

i am sure some users here may know of some tho...

you might want to make a new thread titled "where to purchase traffic"...
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