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Full Version: Htaccess problem?
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I have a problem with sitemap file because i think something wrong with htaccess.
In the xml file i have these kind of urls http://www.lswebcams.comvideo/112379/Sex...ebcam.html
There is no / sign between the domain and the video...and i think thats why if i click on a video my template "disappear"(page not found)

Htaccess looks like:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^video/([0-9]+)/(.*).html$ ?id=$1&title=$2&option=video [NC]
RewriteRule ^tag_video/(.*).html$ ?tag=$1&option=tag [NC]
RewriteRule ^category_video/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/(.*).html$ ?id=$1&p=$2&category=$3&option=category [NC]

I have another site and working perfect with this htaccess but here not.
Another site ( use freeadultscript 2.0 version and that is without www)

Any idea what is the problem?

Edit: I added a / sign after ^ now i have full valid url, but if i click on a video i got page not found message...
did u se defaul setting withoth .html
is your all wenb sites are in same hosting?
If i use default setting without htaccess modifications everything is ok, but with seo links, i got page not found error on video pages.
Yes, i use the same hosting and other site is working.
Maybe i used / sign after the domain( when i signed up to your site, and there is one / before all seo links as well, isn't there any function in your code which delete these double // signs?
Ok, problem almost fixed, i added these two line to config.php


Is was in the previous version but not in the last.

Btw, now i cannot add videos in the admin panel i got this message at Videos "Get Videos From : YouPorn Bot ||| Redtube, tube8 etc... bots are on way. Please request other bots from FreeAdultScript From."
So redtube and eporner link not active and youporn is not working...

Can you give me any advice?
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